Monday, August 24, 2009

5 months old!

Gracie is 5 months old!! She is happy and healthy. Still eating ok, but gaining weight and growing long! :) She is completely entertained by her brother, laughs, and is chatting up a storm. Ever since we left the hospital we had the expectation of Gracie's big 5 month appointment. The appointment where she meets with 10 specialists in one afternoon. After the appointment all 10 of the Dr's. reconvene and discuss Gracie and a plan of action. It's AMAZING!!! It seemed so far off and I could only imagine how big Gracie would be and how she would be developing. I can't believe it's here. In fact now that it's here, I'm thinking wait...does this mean surgeries are looming...uh oh, maybe I'm not ready for this.
I'm so glad she is in the God's hands and my arms. :)
I love you my sweet little Gracie!

1 comment:

Victoria said...

What a little chubby cutie-pie! I will hold her in my thoughts for good stuff during her visit. :-) Keep growing Gracie!