Wednesday, November 24, 2010

10 years together!!

I have loved this man for most of my life. We were kids when we first started dating(17 & 20) and have practically grown-up together. Seriously, how could I have known what I was getting myself into...only God could have granted me the desires of my heart in human form...Josh. He is honorable, has truly great character. He loves Jesus, and takes my kids and I to church every Sunday. He makes me laugh and always catches me off guard. He gets me out of my head, and breaks me when I am taking life and myself to seriously. He tries to hold on while I talk about 29 different subjects in 2 minutes. :) He NEVER complains. He LISTENS. He loves me with his eyes. He protects me, and provides for our family. He plays with our kids and makes our home JOYFUL.
I could seriously go on and I will... He is my KNIGHT in shining armor, my HERO that daily stands along side me, takes my hand, and quietly leads me through the craziness. He is a SMART and steady when my emotions are all over the place. He is my BEST FRIEND and I'm better for being married to him for these wonderful 10 years. What an incredibly blessed girl I am!

Our anniversary weekend!!!
Thanks to amazing moms who watched ALL 3 of our kids, we were able to get away for a night in Marina Del Rey. The weekend started early Saturday morning as we drove into Pasadena to catch a UCLA football game at the Rose Bowl. They WON with 0 seconds on the clock and it was a blast to watch! yay!
Next we were off to Marina Del Rey Marriott. We relaxed all of Sunday, lounged around, watched a movie, read ,went in the spa. The extra hour from daylight savings time, relaxation and quiet were little gifts from heaven that day. We headed into Hollywood for yummy yummy Sushi and then made our way home.
It was so wonderful to have that time away to reconnect and come back refreshed, ready to tackle the next 10 years. :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A Halloween Open House

Psalm 118:24
This is the day the LORD has made; We will rejoice and be glad in it.

We invited our neighbors over!! Something we have been wanting to do since the day we moved in, and it finally happened. We love our home and we love where God has put us and we are so excited to be involved in our community. So, a bunch of families came over, we ate pie and drank cider, roamed the neighborhood, and returned home with bags full of loot. All in all it was a great night. Even Bo made a new friend...Jacob, a new neighbor that is only 4 weeks older than him! Hooray!
Gavin wanted us all to be ninjas...easier said than done. There are NO ninja girl costumes, I wonder why! :) So, we ended up all being ninjas...except Bo, he was a ninja monkey, and Gracie a strawberry. :) HAHA
We definitely had fun and thats all that matters.