Friday, April 22, 2011

The author and finisher

My Creator, became my Savior & my Redeemer.
He made me so gently, so purposefully, and so perfectly.

Man fell in the garden. I was born a sinner.

My sin seperated us. And death was coming for me.

He made a way to me...even before I chose to come back.

He sent Jesus to take my place. And while He died...He thought about me, and He thought about you. And endured it, because He considered it joy to be reunited with me...with you...His child, His creation.

He rose again, conquering death and an infinitely holy God was holy enough to cover every sin ever commited.

My sin has been erased because of what He did for me TODAY...2,000 years ago.

I Celebrate. I rejoice. I thank Him. I praise Him.

He saved me! He saved me! Hosanna!! Hosanna!!

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